The Regional Trauma Network (RTN) for the North West Region is a collaborative network that is currently being developed through the involvement of TBRHSC, the Lead Trauma Hospital for the North West, Critical Care Services Ontario (CCSO) and key stakeholders in the region who have a vested interest in trauma care.
The goal of this group is to implement system improvements through shared accountability amongst regional hospitals. This network is a collaboration using a “hub and spoke” model. With TBRHSC serving as the “hub” and regional hospitals within our catchment areas acting as “spokes” with the focus being on the active engagement of clinicians, administrators, EMS, Ornge and other trauma service representatives (see list below for stakeholders).
TBRHSC serves and supports the people of the North West Region including the following stakeholders: Lake of the Woods District Hospital (Kenora), La Verendrye Hospital (Fort Francis), Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital (Red Lake), Meno Ya Win Hospital (Sioux Lookout), Dryden Regional Health centre, Atikokan General Hopsital, Wilson Memorial General Hospital (Marathon), Geraldton District Hospital, Manitouwadge General Hospital, The McCausland Hospital (Terrace Bay & Schreiber), Nipigon District Memorial Hospital, St. Josephs Care Group, the 4 EMS districts of Rainy River EMS, Northwest EMS, Superior North EMS, and Naotkamegwanning First Nations EMS.
The inaugural meeting was held on September 27, 2016 at the TBRHSC with all areas and sectors involved with trauma in the North West being represented. Activities of the RTN are currently in development but will include – but are not limited to – communication of best practices, expanding quality improvement and education initiatives, examination of transportation and referral practices in addition to addressing regional challenges as they arise. The goals of the RTN will support an effective, sustainable, and inclusive Ontario-wide regional trauma system (RTS) of care and we look forward to its continued development as we strive to improve the care trauma patients receive across the trauma care continuum in our region.